Collision Marketing Bulletin: The Truth About Search

As many of you know, with the addition of Nick Schoolcraft 2 years ago, PSG added the knowledge of a digital transformation expert to our team.

Having said that, we feel its important to clarify when information is presented to the market that may be misleading when it comes to how digital and traditional marketing products specifically impact the collision repair industry. With your best interest at heart, we felt it was important that we begin sending periodic updates, alerts, and general PSAs to spread the word and educate the industry on what you need to know when it comes to choosing the right digital marketing solutions for your business.

Every data point we reference come from metrics, analytics and research solely focused on the collision repair industry. At PSG we see it as our duty to ensure that the industry and our customers understand the truth as it relates to their business.

Near Me Searches

After reading almost any industry publication lately, it’s not surprising that many shop owners believe that “Best XYZ Near Me” is the most prevalent search term used by consumers today. But is that true? Partially yes, for some businesses, it is. But is it for yours?

When looking at collision website analytics we have found that nearly 95% of the organic search traffic to a collision website comes from search terms with the shop’s name associated to it (e.g. branded search), not “Near Me” searches.

Monthly Searches Across USA

Why This Makes Sense

When it comes to ordering a pizza or even getting an oil change, customers can afford to take a chance. But when it comes to something as important as repairing their vehicle, most consumers search a brand or business name they already know or have been referred to.

Want To Know More?

Contact us today, we’re happy to walk you through your own analytics and to help you understand how your customers are really searching for you.

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