With the third quarter already underway and the end of the year quickly approaching, many shops are beginning to plan for 2020 and how to increase their sales in the upcoming year. Apply for another DRP? Go for another certification? Add another location? Everyone thinks about what they want to add to their business but do you have a plan if something gets taken away?
If you haven’t read Statesville Collision Center’s story in a recent Repairer Driven News article then I suggest you do. READ IT HERE. In it, the general manager talks about losing all their DRPs; some by choice, some not.

Now What?
As the industry re-shapes, many shops are re-thinking their business models and the relationships they have with their DRP partners. Likewise, many insurance companies are re-evaluating the shops on their programs. If your relationship ends, by choice or not, do you really think you’ll keep all those customers?
Customer retention refers to the activities and actions taken to retain as many customers as possible. Thats right, ACTIONS. It doesn’t just happen because you gave your customers what they expected. Customers expect you to work for their business, and loyalty. It’s a relationship and relationships take work, just ask your spouse or partner. You have to give them a reason to remember you and trust that they aren’t just a transaction to your business.
Have you gotten a little more reliant on your insurance partners than you should? Are you reaching out to past customers directly or are you just waiting for them to find your marketing messages on social media? If your retention strategy consists of faith, hope and assumptions, it may be time to include some action.